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Thursday, October 14, 2010

"One Accord" Countywide Revival

The opposite of “revival” is something like apathy, lethargy, or
lukewarmness towards the things of God. When the people of God do
not view the things of God as “essential” as the air they breath and the
water they drink but rather they view the things of God as “optional”
the church is in trouble. When we know the commands of our Lord
and in our hearts and lives we can take it or leave it, we are in trouble.
2 Peter 1:13 “Yea, I think it meet (right), as long as I am in this tabernacle
(body) to stir you up by putting you in remembrance.” We need a stirring
in our churches to be reminded that the things of God are essential in
our lives and in our community. We cannot impact our community our
culture or our world until the church remembers the pit that we were once
in, the judgment we were pardoned from, the horror of our sin and its wages,
which is death that we have escaped by His great sacrifice. A poor memory
and revival cannot go hand in hand. May we come together as churches
and be reminded that the things of God are essential to our lives and the
lives of those around us. May we be reminded of all that we have been
given in the unspeakable gift of God which is salvation through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Then never forget with that great gift comes great responsibility.

Prayer For One Accord Revival October 17th
Gateway Event Center McDonough GA

Our Heavenly Father I come to you on behalf of my church and the churches
in our area. We thank you for all that you have done for us, all that you have
allowed us to see and be a part of. I think you that you have stirred in the
hearts of so many pastors that there is a need for something more. You have
stirred us and led us to come together and pray for our community and its
precious people that you love. Give you unity the kind that is the sign of true
discipleship, the kind that testifies to the world that we have been with you,
the way we love one another. Bind Satan from our midst and may all his
plans come to nothing.

We desire to see you work and to sense your presence in our midst once
again. I ask you to turn your great search light on in our souls. Search us
out and help us to be willing to readily confess those things that you point
out that are displeasing to you in our lives and in our churches. We desire
to be right with you and we want clean hands and clean hearts to hear from
heaven and to carry out your work. Come set our hearts on fire and burn up
the chaff of our lives, purify us and get us useable again for your honor and
for your glory. Lord Jesus, I love you and I look forward to walking with
you in this special time for our community. Fill us with your Spirit and may
you be pleased with our lives. Supply through your people all that we will
need to see this vision through. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of
such a great endeavor for you.

Pastor Roy Mack

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